
Pilgrim Statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to visit St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan, brought by the Heralds of the Gospel

On Saturday, June 13th the Pilgrim Statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will honour us with her presence at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan, New York. Please join us for this special time of prayer with our heavenly Queen.

This Statue which belongs to the Heralds of the Gospel was blessed and crowned by the Servant of God, Pope John Paul II, on the 21st of February, 2001, on the occasion of the Pontifical approval of this association.

The Heralds of the Gospel is an International Association of Pontifical Right, the first established by the Holy See in the Third Millennium.

Comprised mainly of young people, its members practice celibacy, and are entirely dedicated to apostolate, living in separate houses designated for young men and young women. Their life of recollection, study and prayer alternates with evangelizing activities in dioceses and parishes, with special emphasis placed on the formation of youth.

Virgo Flos Carmeli and Regina Virginum, are the most recent societies of apostolic life approved by the Vatican. The confirmation was made known early in May, following a decree issued by Cardinal Franc Rodé, Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. Before that, however, Pope Benedict XVI   had already on the 4th of April given pontifical approval to both societies during a special audience with Cardinal Rodé. 

Originating in the Heralds of the Gospel and sharing the same values, the two new societies of apostolic life have, however, different characters. While Virgo Flos Carmeli—Virgin Flower of Carmel—in English, is a clerical society, that is, made up mainly of priests, the society of apostolic life Regina Virginum—Queen of Virgins—is a feminine society.

According to the Vatican decree, Virgo Flos Carmeli “is born in the midst of a loving and pertinacious catechetical action regarding the Church and the Roman Pontiff, and one also concerning the importance of the sacralizing of the values of temporal life to the greatest possible extent”. Also as stated in the decree, the society is characterized by the defense of orthodoxy, of the purity of customs and of the hierarchical spirit, “as well as by the effort to reawaken in all men the distinction between good and evil (…).” 

Virgo Flos Carmeli was founded by Monsignor João Scognamiglio Clá Dias, EP, founder and president of the Heralds of the Gospel, and was erected by the then diocesan bishop of Avezzano, Italy, Dom Lucio Angelo Maria Renna, on the 15th of June, 2006. The growth of the Heralds of the Gospel, at present active in around 70 countries, led to the formation of the priestly branch and ultimately to the constitution of the Clerical Society. 
Later on, Dom José Maria Pinheiro, diocesan bishop of Braganca Paulista in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, where the General House of the Society is located at present, requested the Pope to grant pontifical approval to
Virgo Flos Carmeli. 

For more information please contact the Heralds of the Gospel at:

Phone: (281) 597-8178

Fax: (281) 597-8190


P.O. Box 421128

Houston, TX 77242-1128

Full Schedule for New York:

June 12 Friday                  Our Lady of Sorrow 7:00 pm.          Coney Island.

June 13 Saturday                St. Patrick Cathedral 12:00 Noon.  Manhattan   

June 13 Saturday                  Ascension Church 6:15pm.            Manhattan

June 14 Sunday                   Our Lady of Refuge (all morning masses)      Brooklyn

June 16 Tuesday                  Precious Blood 12:00 Noon                        Little Italy

June 16 Tuesday                  Blessed Sacrament 7:00 pm                          Queens

June 17 Wednesday            St Michael 7am until 4pm                            Manhattan

June 17 Wednesday            St. Anthony 7:00pm                                        Bronx

June 18 Thursday           Our Lady of Lourdes 7:00 pm                          New Jersey

June 19 Friday                     St. Joseph  12:00 Noon                                  Manhattan 

June 20 Saturday
Mary Queen of Heaven 9:00am Brooklyn

June 21 Sunday
St. Atanasius (all morning mass)      Brooklyn

June 22 Monday
Our Lady of Good Counsel 7:00pm     Manhattan

June 23 Tuesday St Margaret 7:30 pm New York

Virgo Flos Carmeli and Regina Virginum. The two most recent societies of apostolic life approved by the Vatican

Vatican City (Tuesday, 05-05-2009, Gaudium Press) Virgo Flos Carmeli and Regina Virginum. The two most recent societies of apostolic life approved by the Vatican. The confirmation came this past week, after the decree released by Cardinal Franc Rodé, Prefect for the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. However, beforehand, on April 4, Pope Benedict XVI had already given pontifical approval to both societies during a special audience with Cardinal Rodé.
Societies of Apostolic Life, according to the Code of Canon Law, are associations of men or women whose members live in community, residing in the same house – in “common fraternal” life – and seeking to “attain the perfection of charity”. The members of these societies have their own recognized way of life and do not make the traditional religious vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. The Congregation of the Mission and the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul are two well-known societies of apostolic life.
Arising from within the Heralds of the Gospel, and sharing the same values, the two new societies of apostolic life, however, have distinct natures. Virgo Flos Carmeli – “Virgin Flower of Carmel”, in English – is characterized as a clerical society, in other words, consisting mainly of priests, while the society of apostolic life Regina Virginum – “Queen of Virgins” – is formed by women.
According to the Vatican decree, Virgo Flos Carmeli “is born amidst a loving and pertinacious catechesis on the Church and the Roman Pontiff, as well as respect for the importance of sacralization, to the greatest extent possible, of the values of temporal life.”
The decree goes on to state that the society is characterized by the defense of orthodoxy, purity of customs and the spirit of hierarchy, “as well as the desire to rekindle in humanity the distinction between good and evil (…).”
Virgo Flos Carmeli was founded by Msgr. João Scognamiglio Clá Dias, E.P., founder and president of the Heralds of the Gospel, and was erected by the then Bishop of Avezzano, Italy, the Most Rev. Lucio Angelo Maria Renna, on June 15, 2006. the development of the Heralds of the Gospel, presently active in about 70 countries, led to the formation of the priestly branch and the later constitution of the Clerical Society.
Afterwards, the Most Rev. José Maria Pinheiro, Bishop of Bragança Paulista, where the Motherhouse of the Society is presently located, requested Pontifical approval of Virgo Flos Carmeli from the Pope.
Regina Virginum, for its part, had its approval signed on April 26. According to the Vatican decree, the Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right, also founded by Msgr. João Scognamiglio Clá Dias, “arose as an expression of the charism of the Heralds of the Gospel, applied to the specific conditions of feminine life, striving to manifest its own characteristics in a particular way within the secularised world.”

Christmas 2008

On earth peace to those on whom His favour rests
(Lk 2:14)
Just as they have for more than two thousand years, on this Christmas Eve the heavenly hosts will descend from Heaven to earth celebrating a great event, and filling our hearts amidst joyful songs of praise hailing the birth of the Divine Child Jesus, with that same promise of peace. For, where Jesus is present everything is serenity and peace.
While all around us, the world is immersed in all sorts of upheavals, it is, above all, in our hearts that this promise of peace is fulfilled, if we make of them an abode for the Christ Child.
The Heralds of the Gospel desire that this triumphant peace that only the Son of God could bring into the world, fill your heart with abundance as Our Saviour is reborn in the hands of the celebrant during the Holy Mass of Christmas. And throughout 2009, in which, we desire that the Kingdom of God be built up around each one of us by an overflowing of this peace.

Heralds of the Gospel
Christmas 2008

Computer Wallpaper

The photographer of the Heralds of the Gospel in Rome send us this beautiful photo of the crucifix situated on the papal altar in Saint Peter’s Basilica. We offer it to you (1024×768) so that you can use it as wallpaper for your computer. You only have to click on the picture and copy.

New Site!

New Site for the Virgin of Fatima Association in Canada:

Heralds of the Gospel – H2O News

To impel the beauty of the new evangelization – this is the charism of the Heralds of the Gospel; Its founder, Monsignor João Dias explains.
“The Heralds of the Gospel is a private association of faithful with a very special charism based essentially on three points: the Eucharist, Mary and the Pope.” “Our main goal is to bring back beauty to the face of the earth.” Currently this association of the Catholic Church works in more than 70 countries and plans to expand even more. “We are currently in 78 countries, when we began we were approved by 56 bishops – today there are many more – and now we trying to enter China and Korea; this is what we are trying to achieve.” They are recognized by their characteristic habit that expresses their spirituality: evangelization through beauty. The cowl indicates the life of recollection and the boots their availability to go anywhere. At the centre is the cross of Saint James, stylized with the color white for purity, red for martyrdom, and the rosary, because it is the supreme Marian devotion.

Also available in arabic, french, german, italian, spanish and portuguese

September 26th, 2008 – Feast of the Holy Canadian Martyrs

On September 26th (the Feast of the Canadian Martyrs)both campus’ of the the Lumen Veritatis Academy went to visit the shrine and place of martyrdom of our heavenly intercessors.
Enclosed are some pictures from the trip…

Lumen Veritatis School Trip. Sept. 26, 2008

The Founder of the Heralds of the Gospel is appointed Papal Canon of the Basilica of St. Mary Major

Rome, September 14, 2008
(Heralds of the Gospel) This morning, by a bull of Pope Benedict XVI, Monsignor João Scognamiglio Clá Dias E.P., founder and general president of the Heralds of the Gospel, an international association of faithful of pontifical right, was received into the Liberian Chapter of the Papal Basilica of St. Mary Major. In a solemn ceremony held in the Chapter Chapel and presided by the Archpriest Cardinal Bernard Francis Law, Monsignor João Scognamiglio Clá Dias E.P. was created an honorary canon of the Papal Basilica, after which Holy Mass was celebrated at the Papal Altar by Cardinal Law and concelebrated by Monsignor João Clá, the other members of the Liberian Chapter, and numerous priests. The grandiose Basilica was filled by the faithful attending the Eucharistic celebration.
The Liberian Chapter dates back to the twelfth century, currently comprising 31 canons, 7 of which are honourary. Being a Papal Basilica, the Chapter members are created by the Supreme Pontiff, soconferred with the dignity of Apostolic Protonotary Supernumerary.St. Mary Major is one of four Papal Basilicas together with St. Peter,St. Paul, and St. John Lateran. Pope Liberius first conceived the building of this basilica around the year 360, but construction onlybegan under Pope Sixtus III, in the Fifth Century, soon afteraffirming the Divine Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin and her title of Theotokos at the Council of Ephesus.
This historic basilica houses some of the most venerable relics of Christianity, including the Manger where the Christ Child was born,displayed for public veneration. Another interesting fact is that themedieval bell tower is the highest in Rome at 75m (about 240ft).

The Parable of the Mustard Seed

Fr. João S. Clá Dias
“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all the seeds, yet when full-grown it is the largest of plants. It becomes a large bush, and the birds of the sky come and dwell in its branches.”
– Matthew 13:31–32
Those hearing this parable know of the botanic construction of mustard, characterized by its minuscule seed that, once planted, gives birth to a lush bush, always green.
God might have created the mustard seed solely to serve as the object of this beautiful parable of our Savior. Extremely small in its beginning, astonishing in its development, this plant is a good example to illustrate the origin and strength of Catholic apostolate, and even of the Kingdom of Heaven. Who, present when Jesus, just before ascending to heaven, gave instructions to the small group of disciples, couldn’t imagine that, in the future, millions of Catholics would populate the world.
In the teaching of this parable, growth is an essential element. The Kingdom of God and apostolate are almost imperceptible in their beginning, but as time goes on their expansion is incalculable, above all by the disproportion between the scarcity of the means and the greatness of the effects.
When a baby is brought to the baptismal font and is touched by the waters of grace, God sanctifies him. Years later some of these tender and delicate infants will become giants in the Faith, everyone knows of a St. John Bosco, or a St. Teresa of the Child Jesus for example. Colossal trees, born from such a simple ceremony…
This parable motivates us to believe in the strength of the expansion and the penetration of the Church, it teaches us, at the same time, the true sense of the Kingdom of Heaven and the triumph of the good ones, who will be shining at the Final Judgment.

Procession in honour of Senhor Santo Cristo dos Milagres. Brampton Ontario

Last Sunday, the Heralds of the Gospel participated in a procession in downtown Brampton by invitation of Fr. Andrej Chilmon, Pastor Our Lady of Fatima Parish in that same city.

This particular procession is a Portuguese tradition that comes to Toronto from the Azorean community (I think that is the Island of Sao Miguel where this devotion is most visible). The feast is called Senhor Santo Cristo dos Milagres and there is a beautiful bust of Our Lord after the scourging that leads the procession through the streets and back to the church. This is a very symbolic tradition because it reminds us that we follow Christ all the days of our lives, through the streets, in the workplace, at home and in all that we do. And as in the procession Christ always leads us back to the Church, His mystical body on earth.

Included in this post, there are some pictures from the procession.