To see video:
Communiqué on the Internet transmission
of the
International Theological Convention
“Faithfulness of Christ, Faithfulness of the Priest”
Rome, March 11-12, 2010
We would like to inform you that the International Theological Convention
“Faithfulness of Christ, Faithfulness of the Priest”, promoted by the Congregation
for the Clergy, to be held at the Aula Magna of the
Pontifical Lateran University
on March 11-12 2010, will be transmitted on this website, on which it will be
possible to follow proceedings of the various conferences.
10 de March de 2010 | Categories: Heralds News | Tags: annus sacerdotalis, Apostolate, arautos do evangelho, catholic media, clerus, Congregation for the Clergy, convegno teologico, gaudium press, heraldos del evangelio, heralds of the gospel, religious orders, seminary, theological convention, video, videos, year for priests | 2 Comments »