
Family Day Retreat

Monday, February 21 · 9:30am – 4:30pm

Three separate talks for adults and children/youth.

Learn to be a more discerning Catholic, to open yourself to God, and to strengthen the basis of your faith.

Two coffee breaks and lunch will also be served. Childcare will be provided. Cost Adult $20, children $12. Tax receipt will be issued for 50% of ticket value. Funds raised will be donated to Lumen Veritatis Academy, a private not-for –profit Catholic School located in Mississauga and Thornhill.

Spend this Family Day together as a family

Speakers: Bro Gustavo Krajl, Bro Justin Bonyun,

Who should attend : The Whole Family

St. James Catholic Church
231, Morden Road
Oakville, On L6K 2S2

For more informations visit our Facebook page: Click here

It Is Midday

On the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God… wishing all our visitors a happy and blessed new year 2011.

It is Midday


It is midday. I see the church open. I must enter. Mother of Jesus Christ, I do not come to pray. I have nothing to ask and nothing to offer. I come only, Mother, to look at you.

To look at you, to cry for joy, to know that I am your son and that you are there. Only for a moment while everything stops. Midday!

To be yours, Mary in this place where you are. Saying nothing, but looking at you and letting my heart sing in its own language…

Because it is midday, because we are here today, because you are always there, simply because you are Mary, simply because you exist, Mother of Jesus, be thanked.

Paul Claudel

Marian Mission in Boston, Lincolnshire (England)

bostonOn the weekend of the 13 and 14th of November the Heralds of the gospel in U.K. carried out a Marian mission in the city of Boston, Lincolnshire. Bringing the Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima to dozens of homes and attending the Saturday and Sunday Masses at St. Mary’s Church in Boston, and organizing a candlelight procession and adoration of the blessed Sacrament with the parishioners.

Click here to see the slideshow

Pilgrimage to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima

Fatima Shrine, Lewinston, NY

Fatima Shrine, Lewinston, NY

The origin of the word “sanctuary” comes from the Latin sancturarium derived from saunctus which in turn means “holy.” That is to say the choir’s place located around the altar, which is where the liturgical celebrations and especially the Eucharist take place.

The religious act that constitutes a pilgrimage is a concrete gesture of a Christian’s desire to meet God : “Pilgrims often come to shrines particularly well-disposed to seek the grace of forgiveness; they should be helped to open themselves to the Father “rich in mercy” (Eph 2:4),(31) in truth and in freedom, consciously and responsibly, so that their encounter with his grace will give rise to a truly new life.” (Cf. The Shrine: Memory, Presence and Prophecy of the Living God)

In this spirit of pilgrimage to meet God through the intercession of Mary, two different groups visited the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima located in Lewiston, New York, accompanied by Father Julio Ubbelhode for a day retreat on the importance of Marian devotion.

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A Day with Mary in Orlando / Un Dia con Maria en Orlando

At St. John Vianney Catholic Church in Orlando, Florida, the Heralds hosted a “Day With Mary” gathering. The event gathered participants of the Immaculate Heart Shrine apostolate from 5 parishes in Orlando. The theme as “The Rosary: an efficacious instrument for the New Evangelization.”

En la parroquia St. John Vianney de la Diócesis de Orlando, Florida (USA), se realizó el 16 de Octubre, “Un Día con María”, con el tema del Rosario como instrumento eficaz de la Nueva Evangelización. Asistieron integrantes del Apostolado del Oratorio peregrino de 5 parroquias de ésta ciudad.

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Rosary for Life at Prince of Peace Catholic Church in Houston

The Heralds of the Gospel participated in the Pro-Life rosary at Prince of Peace Catholic Church in Houston, Texas, on October 7, 2010.

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Relics of St. John Bosco in Miami / Reliquias de San Juan Bosco en Miami

On Sunday, September 26, 2010, the Heralds of the Gospel participated in a special veneration of the pilgrim relics of St. John Bosco that were being venerated at St. John Bosco Church in Miami, Florida. A mass was celebrated during the veneration by Fr. Juan Carlos Paguaga, pastor of the church.

El domingo, 26 de septiembre, los Heraldos tuvieron especial participación en la veneración de las reliquias itinerantes de San Juan Bosco, asistiendo a la misa celebrada por el Rev. P. Juan Carlos Paguaga, parroco de la iglesia, San Juan Bosco.



Honoring Our Lady of the Rosary / Homenaje a Ntra. Sra. del Rosario

The Heralds of the Gospel participated in a special celebration on October 7, 2010 honoring Our Lady of the Rosary which was presided over by the Most Reverend Augstin Roman, Emeritus Bishop of the Archdiocese of Miami.
Los Heraldos participaron del especial homenaje a Nuestra Señora del Rosario, el 7 de Octubre; presidida por el obispo emérito de la arquidiócesis de Miami, Mons. Agustín Román.

A Day with Mary / Un Dia con Maria

On October 9, 2010 the Heralds of the Gospel in Miami, Florida held a “Day with Mary” gathering. The event was for all the participants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Shrines in Miami, where there are currently over 100 shrine groups encompassing more than 1,500 families. The days lite motive was was on the efficacy of the Holy Rosary in the New Evangelization. El Sábado 9 de Octubre se realizó “Un Día con María” con participantes del Apostolado del Oratorio Peregrino de Miami, donde circulan más de 100 oratorios, visitando más de 1500 familias mensualmente. Se trató de la eficacia del rosario como eficaz instrumento para la Nueva Evangelización.


Mass honoring Our Lady of Fatima

On October 13, 2010, in Houston Texas at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, the Heralds of the Gospel help a solemn rosary and Mass to honor Our Lady of Fatima. The celebration was attended by over 1,400 people. Many Marian groups from around the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston also participated, as well as, a large number of the Knights of Columbus.

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