Pilgrim Statue

The Heralds of the Gospel take the pilgrim Statue of  the Immaculate Heart of Mary to peoples homes, parishes, schools, hospitals as a way of bringing a blessing to families.

The visit normally takes place in the evenings and need not take more than two hours. The Heralds of the Gospel bring the statue to the house and give a short talk about the reason for the visit and the importance of prayer. Five decades of the Rosary are then said, for the intentions of all those present.

After the visit, the Statue continues on its journey to other homes. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite family and friends to share in Our Lady’s visit to your home. The only thing you need to provide is a little table with a table cloth, and some flowers or a candle. There is There is no charge.no charge. Children are welcome to be present. Indeed, it is it is encouraged.

The visits must be booked in advance.

E-mail :

heraldsofthegospel{AT / SIGN }heralds.us

statue [at/sign] heralds.ca

or call us:


USA: 281-597-8178 or 305-378-4599

Canada: 647-283-0310

England: 02089434159

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