
And the phrase of the day…

Our founder, Msgr. João S. Clá Dias, has the custom of, after signing the registry of the masses, to write in a phrase that synthesizes the homily and leave a lasting impression above all in the younger heralds.  So we hope to transmit them often!

“Quem vive em virtude, transborda em alegria!”

“Who lives in virtue, overflows in joy!


Waiting for the phrase after the Mass

Waiting for the phrase after the Mass

“O amor move o universo enquanto a Fé, as montanhas”

“Love moves the universe while Faith, the mountains.

Mons. João S. Clá Dias, 12-01-2010

Thabor – Elevation and Discipline I

Thabor (in English Tabor or Thabor)  is a place where elevation and discipline reign. Banalities and lack of seriousness are naturally discouraged.

Naturally? Yes, naturally. In the sense that without needing to always having to drag a person, heavy with earthly thoughts and desires, to elevated things, he is in a situation where it is, in a way, the only thing possible. From a door handle that ennobles a simple closet  to the way the indirect lighting creates a penumbra enveloping a corner with mystery, turning every detail into an occasion for elevation of the mind towards God. In creatures one can see an aspect of God, a principle behind a design and even opens the mind to the possibilities  of  things God could have created, wonders that exist in God’s infinite mind; these wonders that we hope to contemplate in Heaven.  A prayer that really shows this spirit is one that the Heralds of the Gospel, who voluntarily live in a spirit of poverty, when are in need of some material good, end  the request for them with it, adapted from the litany of the saints.

“Cor Sapientiale et Immaculatum Mariae, ut mentes nostras ad caelestia desideria erigas! Te rogamus, audi nos! ”

Even in the most simple situations, pulchrum involves the life of a herald, so that the union with God, Our Blessed Mother, the Choirs of the Angels and the Community of the Saints is always more intense. Everything proportions an opportunity for mystical graces to touch the deepest recesses  of the soul.

The Church after Complines

The Church after Complines

But then why discipline? Doesn’t the soul fly towards these wonders? Is this not the essential part of a holy person”s life?

Certainly. Without elevation man is nothing. We were created to contemplate and glorify God.

But this is precisely why we need discipline.

To be continued…

Heralds Youth Saturdays

On Saturday January 8th, a program of religious formation took place at the Heralds house in Schomberg, ON geared to boys, grades 4 to 8.

This time, the boys had a power point presentation on the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano, tobogganing in the snow hills,  a meeting about Grace and the Commandments, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament followed by half an hour adoration and the recitation of the Rosary, ended with the traditional Heralds Pizza.

Youth activities take place every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month at the Heralds House, 5535 17th sideroad, Schomberg, ON, @  2:30 P.M

The next meeting is scheduled for January 22nd, 2010.  For more information contact Br. Gustavo Kralj at 647-283-0310

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Apostolate of the Shrine in Rwanda

From Mr Emmanuel Batagata, companion of the Heralds of the Gospel in Rwanda:

“We have also a young choir composed by 25 girls we are in need of uniform for them and musical instruments. The Apostolate of the Shrine is active in many parishes : Rango, Nyumba, Butare, Ngoma (Butare Diocese) and Muhondo and Shyorongi (Kigali Archidiocese).

At present, 350 families are members of  the Apostolate of the Shrine and visits among families continue with Immaculate Heart of Mary.

In June 26th, 2011, we will celebrate 5 years of this work of evangelization in Rwanda.”

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Thabor – The Heralds of the Gospel’s International Seminary

Tabor at an angle

Tabor at an angle

The classrooms and the courtyard

The classrooms and the courtyard during Christmas

Tabor (Thabor in Portuguese) is the name of the international seminary of the Heralds of the Gospel (The Society of Apostolic life of Pontifical Right Virgo Flos Carmeli).    It comprises the Major Seminary, Minor Seminary,  Church and TV studios of the Heralds of the Gospel.

It is the main place where our future priests  and consecrated receive their formation. In here they will not only study theology, philosophy and other ecclesiastical disciplines, but will formed into holy men. In a life full of prayer and study, guided by discipline and love of perfection they learn to “be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48)”

At the Major Seminary, St. Thomas Aquinas,  the young Heralds study the Church disciplines, always  with a particular love for the  via pulchritudinis. At the minor seminary, young aspirants begin their steps in the religious life with joy, starting from middle school to high school.

The Heralds of the Gospel always strive for the elevation of man to God through beauty and splendour. That is a keynote to Tabor. Everywhere and at all times is the young seminarian/novice surrounded by a an ambiance that elevates him towards contemplation.  In a life full of ceremonials, the young Herald already begins to participate in the joys of the angels and saints in Heaven, feeling the peace God gives when we are in search of Him.

From dinner to Complines

From dinner to Complines

We wanted show you this wonder to let you participate in our joy. If you ever find yourself in São Paulo, Brazil, come visit us!

This is a first post on Tabor and we hope to post more. We’ ll be putting things on the daily life and activities of the Heralds of the Gospel in Thabor and Our Lady of the Rosary Church.

The pictures are all thanks to our seminarians there who run a blog on the seminary. Please visit them!


New group of the Shrine Apostolate coordinated by kids

On January 2, in the celebration of the First Saturday devotion, a new group of the Apostolate of the Shirne was formed. Blessed by the Rev. Fr. Michael Greer, pastor of Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Miami, the group has the particularity that it will be coordinated by kids. This ceremony took place the First Saturday preceding the Missionary Childhood Day celebrated today on the Solemnity of the Epiphany.

For more information on the Apostolate of the Shrine in Miami and general please call 1-305 238 2435. Please visit and click on the top where is says “Shrine”.

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New Companions

On Saturday 19th, 2009 at 11:am, at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, in Toronto,  5 new companions were received on a solemn Mass concelebrated by Fr Marcos Faes, EP and Fr. François Bandet, EP.

The Heralds of the Gospel are very happy to receive these five new members into their spiritual family: Mrs. Marie Bilof, Mrs. Lourdes Fernandes,  Ms. Theresa Fernandes, Mrs. Mary Cruz and Mr. Luis Cruz.

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Youth Apostolate – Celebrating the coming of Christmas

The Heralds of the Gospel have reopened the activities geared to young people. This time, the snow and the cold were calling for a typically Canadian outing: tubing in the snow. Fr. François Bandet, EP, some Heralds and a group of 10 boys visited Snow Valley, near Barrie, ON, for some hours of fun at Ontario’s “best hill for kids”.
To find out more about Youth Activities, please call Br. Gustavo at 647-283-0310

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Christmas 2009


In this Year for Priests, proclaimed by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, the Heralds of the Gospel kneeling before the manger, implore the Holy Family to bestow the choicest graces and blessings upon you and your loved ones. May the Peace and Hope of the Eternal and High Priest, be showered upon you each day of the coming year.

Hérauts de l’Évangile


Araldi del Vangelo


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