Catholic Youth
God grants His children some rest from arduous work and studies.While we can never stop advancing towards the goal, legitimate rest gives us energy to go forward with more energy than before, for His glory, in the service of Our Blessed Mother and the Holy Church.If we serve Him with all our heart and capabilities we will better know that joy of having fulfilled our duty and having that smiling gaze of Our Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary upon us.
Sed fons ascendebat e terra, irrigans universam superficiem terræ
This entry was posted on 20 de March de 2010. It was filed under Heralds News and was tagged with Apostolate, arautos do evangelho, catholic, catholic joys, catholic youth, duty, heraldos del evangelio, heraldos del evangelio paraguay, heralds of the gospel, house of formation, joy, Mary Queen, Missionary Childhood, paraguay, religious orders, rest, seminary, swimming, year for priests, youth, youth activities, youth group.
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